Welcome to February!
The holidays are behind us for another year. As we settle into the winter months, don't let the cold keep you from joining your Kosmos friends. Keep your calendar handy and grab a friend and attend some of our events.
February is known for Black History Month, Super Bowl watching, Presidents' Day, Groundhog Day (let's hope he doesn't see his shadow, so we have an early Spring), and, of course, Valentine's Day. Linda M. will be hosting a craft party so we can make our own Valentines, just as we did as kids, to give to the special people in our lives. Check the article in this newsletter for more details.
Happy Valentine's Day, and I hope you all have a great month.
—Sue R., Kosmos Leader
Sue's Snoopy Pic of the Month:
Thursday, February 6
6 S. Cascade St.
Lunch: 12:00 Noon
Meeting: 1:00 PM
All members are welcome to attend these meetings, so please join us if you can! You can come for lunch and/or just the meeting!
Saturday, February 8
Linda M.'s Home
1:00 PM
Join the fun of making Valentine cards for your friends or loved ones. Kosmos member Linda M. has graciously volunteered to host another Valentine Crafting Day at her home. Linda will have assorted art supplies, stickers, construction paper, and whatever you need to make your own unique card.
We hope you will try to attend, as it was a fun afternoon for quite a few members last year!
So that she can supply all the crafting materials needed, please call Linda by February 5th, or send her an e-mail, to let her know that you plan to attend
Please bring an appetizer or finger food to share, and your own beverage. Linda will have all the rest needed for making Valentines!
For more details about this and other newsletter items, please see the postal mail or e-mail versions of this newsletter.
Tuesday, February 11
Affinity At Southridge
5207 W. Hildebrand Boulevard
10:00 AM
At the February Activity Planning meeting, we will be deciding on Kosmos activities for April!
You need not be a Board Member to attend any of our Activity Planning Meetings! We welcome you to come and bring your ideas for things to do, events to participate in, or places to eat. We're always looking for fresh ideas!!!
Directions: Take Highway 395 to Hildebrand Blvd., turning right if coming from the north (turning left if coming from I-82 to reach 395). Just past the second traffic light, at Southridge Blvd., take the first left into Affinity (across from St. Dawes St.). Park anywhere in the parking lot (space numbers can be ignored). Go in through the main front doors, turn right, and Kosmos members will be meeting with Activities Leader Carolyn W. around a table near the lobby's kitchenette area.
Saturday, February 15
West Richland
1:00 PM
This month's Game Day is being hosted by Rosemary B. at her home in West Richland. Please bring finger food or a dessert to share, and your own beverage. A wide variety of card and board games are available every Game Day—or bring your favorite game to enjoy with others.
Please call Rosemary to reserve your spot at the tables!
Wednesday, February 19
Fairchild Cinemas
5020 Convention Drive
You will notified of the chosen movie title and movie time in our Sunday e-mail announcement, or by phone call, prior to February 19.
The California fires have been devastating. For any of you who have family or friends affected, our hearts and prayers go out to you!
We want to recognize one of our Kosmos members, Sandy R., our Name Tags Coordinator, who volunteers for the Red Cross. She is down in Los Angeles helping victims. Thank you, Sandy, and please stay safe!!!
Saturday, February 22
Richland Public Library
Conference Room A
955 Northgate Drive
1:00 - 4:00 PM
For another of our popular Bingo parties on February 22, you need to bring an appetizer or dessert to share, and your own non-alcoholic beverage. Bottled water will be provided.
If you plan to attend, please call or text hostess Sue R. so she will know how many to expect to play!
Directions: The Richland Library is located at the corner of Northgate Drive and Swift Blvd., in Richland, kitty-corner from Kadlec Hospital.
We extend a warm welcome to the newest member of our Kosmos family:
Fauneil R.
Saturday, March 15
Our annual St. Patrick's Day Party will again be combined with the monthly Game Day. The festivities will begin with a traditional corned beef and cabbage lunch at noon on Saturday, March 15, at Claudia T.'s home in Pasco.
The Club will provide corned beef, cabbage, carrots, and potatoes prepared by Sheryl M., Susan R., and Carolyn W. The rest of you are asked to bring appetizers, salads or desserts to share, and your own beverages.
Those who wish to stay after the meal can play a variety of games that will be available as usual for our Game Days.
Details and directions to Claudia's will be in your March Kosmos Konnector.
To avoid future seating problems at our Kosmos meal outings, you MUST inform either Donna or Carolyn by Sunday if you are planning to attend ANY of the coming week's meals. This will ensure that we have the right count to give to the restaurant, rather than just guessing.
Your cooperation will be appreciated!!!
Leader | Sue R. |
Assistant Leader | Jan A. |
Secretary | Donna W. |
Treasurer | Claudia T. |
Activities | Carolyn W. |
Membership | Marsha H. |
Calling | Sharon W. |
Games | OPEN |
Reservations | Donna W. |
Name Tags | Sandy R. |
E-Mailing | Sandy R. |
Sharon G. | |
Mailing | Carol H. |
Website | Tim M. |
Mailing address:
Kosmos Social Club
PO Box 4506
Pasco, WA 99302
Please tell Donna or Carolyn, by Sunday, if you plan to go to any restaurant meal that week!!!
For questions or additional information send e-mail to